Friday 28 September 2018

Special Diet for Kidney Stones Made of Uric Acid

Uric acid stones of the kidneys require special dietary measures.
Uric stones occur in patients who have an increased uric acid in the blood and increased uric
acid exertion in the urine. Since uric acid is an end product of purine metabolism, foods with a
high purine content such as sweet bread, liver and kidney should be avoided.
On the other hand the urine should be kept alkaline if oxalate and uric acid stones are being
formed. In this diet, fruits and vegetables should be liberally used and acid-forming foods
should be kept to the minimum necessary for satisfactory nutrition. When the stones contain
oxalate, foods with high oxalic acid content should be avoided. These foods include almonds,
beetroots, brinjal, brown bread, cabbage, cherry, chocolate, French Beans, potatoes, radish,
spinach and soyabeans.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Tips for Preventing Acne mens & women

Keep your face clean.
Whether or not you have acne, it's important to wash your face twice daily to remove impurities, dead skin cells, and extra oil from your skin's surface. Washing more often than twice daily is not necessarily better; it may do more harm than good. Use warm, not hot, water and a mild facial cleanser. Using a harsh soap (like deodorant body soap) can hurt the already inflamed skin and cause more irritation.
Avoid scrubbing your skin harshly with a washcloth, an exfoliating glove, or loofah (a coarse-textured sponge). Gently wash it with  a very soft cloth or your hands. Always rinse well, and then dry your face with a clean towel. (Toss the towel in the laundry hamper, as dirty towels spread bacteria.) Also, use the washcloth only once.

 Many acne products contain ingredients that dry the skin, so always use a moisturizer that minimizes dryness and skin peeling. Look for "noncomedogenic" on the label, which means it should not cause acne. There are moisturizers made for oily, dry, or combination skin.

 Try an over-the-counter acne product.
These acne products don't need a prescription. Most of them have ingredients such as benzoyl   peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid, which curb bacteria and dry your skin. They may cause drying or peeling so start with a small amount at first. Then you can adjust how much you use and how often. Another option is a new OTC topical retinoid gel. It works to actually keep the acne from forming. Use these products with caution if you have sensitive skin.

Use makeup sparingly
During a breakout, avoid wearing foundation, powder, or blush. If you do wear makeup, wash it off at the end of the day. If possible, choose oil-free cosmetics without added dyes and chemicals. Choose makeup that is labeled as "noncomedogenic," meaning it should not cause acne. Read the ingredients list on the product label before buying.

 Watch what you put on your hair.
Avoid using fragrances, oils, pomades, or gels on your hair. If they get on your face, they can block your skin's pores and irritate your skin. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Oily hair can add to the oil on your face, so wash your hair often, especially if you're breaking out. Got long hair? Keep it pulled away from your face.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Women

As this topic  'Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Women' is a vast topic and we want to bring understanding to this topic in as simple a language as possible such that it can be easily understood by everyone, we are starting an article series. The introductory article will give you a glimpse of how will we go about it.
Let's start
We will first discuss the definitions and the terms used to describe abnormal uterine bleeding like menorrhagia, metrorrhagia and oligomenorrhea.
We will discuss normal cycle duration and interval.
The incidence of abnormal uterine bleeding and the most common reasons that are there in childhood, adolescence, reproductive age, perimenopause and menopause age group will be discussed.
We will also talk about other symptoms of AUB like post-coital bleeding and pelvic pain.
Diagnosis is done by physical examination of the patient, lab investigations include blood tests and cytologic examination.
Endometrial biopsy, sonography, colour Doppler and hysteroscopy are also done to arrive at a diagnosis.
Management options depend on the cause of the problem, like surgical treatment in cases of the endometrial and endocervical polyp.
Hormone-releasing intrauterine devices and oral tablets which can be hormonal or non-hormonal are used.
Other medicines like antifibrinolytic drugs, haemostatic agents and iron therapy are also used
So, friends, you do get an idea of what all things we will cover under this topic ‘Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Women’ or AUB
In next update of the article of this series, we will take one of the above-listed topics and bring more clarity on that
Keep a watch on this article itself as a dated update will arrive soon.

Article by

Dr.Himani Gupta



Magical Kitchen Herbs Home Remedies

We have a treasure chest of spices literally so because the spices we use in our daily cooking has lots of medicinal value. Our kitchen herbs work wonderfully well on few of the ailments.

Turmeric is yellow colour spice in our kitchen commonly used to give vibrant colour to our world famous curries.Medicinal use: Turmeric is used as a remedy for the following common problems:
1. Take 1 tsp turmeric powder with hot milk.
2. Take 500ml of water and boil it with 1 tsp sendha namak and 1 tsp turmeric powder. Give fomentation to the bruised part with a cloth soaked in this water. This will help get rid of pain and swelling in that region.
1. Apply the paste of turmeric and sesame oil on the body to prevent eruptions.
2. To avoid any kind of skin problems apply turmeric paste before a bath.
3. To cure itching take roasted turmeric with jaggery.
4. To eliminate freckles and spots rub ground turmeric on stone with the help of water and then apply this paste on the skin.
5. You can also make a paste of ground turmeric with the milk of banyan or pipal and soak it overnight and then apply it for 1 hour before bath. This will help in removing freckles and also give a glow to the face.
6. Make a pudding of 2 tsp flour with 1 tsp ghee and 1 tsp turmeric, 2 tbsp sugar and 1 cup water and take this in the morning it will help in curing Urticaria.
1. To get instant relief from acidity take turmeric powder and salt in equal quantity with warm water.
2. Taking curd or buttermilk with turmeric after lunch cures digestive problems.
3. Grind 4 gms turmeric, 4 gms dried ginger, 2 gms black pepper and 2 gms cardamom and take this mixture after meals this will aid digestion and will eliminate flatulence.
  • LIVER PROTECTION: Turmeric help in minimizing liver damages caused by taking excess alcohol regularly or using pain-killer.
  • ARTHRITIS: Turmeric help relieve wound inflammation and in treating arthritis.

Ginger has been used for years to treat a variety of ailments. But the many health benefits of ginger are more than mere ancient remedies and folktale. Today, ginger is used to treat a wide range of health problems, which is backed by scientific research.
  • Ginger has the health benefit of relieving motion sickness and upset stomach. So if you prone to motion sickness, you should drink ginger tea.
  • Experts believe that a compound called gingerol found in ginger is responsible for blocking the body’s vomiting reflex. Whether it’s for motion sickness, simple upset stomach or for morning sickness, ginger has the health benefit of working wonders on the stomach.
  • Is arthritis pain getting you down? The researchers believe that ginger was able to give relief to those with arthritis because ginger contains compounds that block prostaglandin is that causes pain and swelling through inflammation. So take ½ teaspoon of powdered ginger and brew a tea or take six teaspoons of fresh ginger and drink your pain away.
  • Another health benefit of ginger is that may help relieve the pain and resulting nausea of migraines. Ginger is a food that has many health benefits.
  • Ginger has the health benefit of easing headaches and migraines, easing upset stomach and motion sickness. So give ginger a try, it might just give your health that added boost.

Fenugreek is an amazing magic herb that can cure a number of ailments. Indian Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine recommend fenugreek to treat:
  • arthritis
  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  • improve digestion
  • maintain a healthy metabolism
  • cure skin problems (wounds, rashes and boils)
  • treat a sore throat
  • cure acid reflux
Recent studies have shown that Fenugreek helps lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and may be an effective treatment for both type 1 and 2 diabetes. Fenugreek is also being studied for its cardiovascular benefits.
Uses of Fenugreek:
Home Remedy for-
  • Balancing Cholesterol
  • Treating Diabetes
  • Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
Herbal Cure for Skin Inflammation- A simple skin inflammation remedy is to take a spoonful of fenugreek and grind it into powder. Mix it with warm water to make a poultice and apply it directly onto the inflamed skin. (A poultice is simply a piece of cloth that has been soaked into the warm water mixture and then applied to the skin). 

Monday 17 September 2018

Home Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Dandruff

Annoyed by those white flakes falling off your shoulder and that itching sensation?
Dandruff is a common condition affecting the scalp due to excessive shedding of dead scalp skin. Small flaking is normal as skin cells from the scalp, causing it to flake off in both men and women. However, in few conditions, the flaking can become unusually rapid and sometimes even become a cause of embarrassment.
Do not worry. Ayurveda offers a number of home remedies as well as treatments that are proven to be highly effective in treating dandruff.
Causes of Dandruff:
Below listed are the probable and most common causes of dandruff in your scalp:
  • Dry skin
  • Improper nourishment and poor health
  • Mental stress
  • Sensitivity to certain hair products such as shampoos, conditioners, hair colours
  • Increased intake of dry, cold, oily, spicy foods
  • Excess oilYeast/ fungus
  • Environmental allergens such as dust, sunlight, cobwebs, certain fabrics, pollution
  • Excessive usage of hair curlers
  • Allergic to certain types of food
Home Remedies To Cure & Control Dandruff
1. Camphor with coconut oil

Here's one from the grandmother's recipes. Mix a small amount of camphor in coconut oil and apply it regularly. Apply the mixture every night before going to bed, if you can, for a couple of days. The mixture not just reduces dandruff effectively but also cools down your scalp.
2. Lemon with coconut oil

Lemon is the key and common ingredient that is used in households to treat dandruff. Try mixing lemon in warm coconut oil and apply on the scalp and leave it for at least 30 minutes before you wash it off. Follow this procedure for 2-3 weeks for effective results.
3. Neem leaves with lemon

Neem leaves with lemon is a great mixture that can help you get rid of dandruff from your scalp. Make a paste of neem leaves, mix the juice of half a lemon to the paste and apply the mixture to your scalp. Leave it for at least 30 minutes before you rinse it off. For best results, use this home remedy twice a week.
4. Fenugreek Seeds

Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and make a paste of these seeds next morning. Apply the paste to your scalp and leave it for 30-40 minutes before rinsing off with plain water. This is proven to be highly beneficial in not only treating dandruff but also for curing other scalp and hair fall issues.
5. Amla Paste

Here is a simple and effective anti-dandruff hair pack that you can prepare yourself at home. Make a paste of amla powder, mix it with tulsi leaves and water, apply this mixture thoroughly on your scalp and let it remain for 30-40 minutes before rinsing off.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Dandruff
  Ayurveda offers a number of treatments and remedies for the effective cure and control of dandruff. According to Ayurveda, dandruff occurs due to an imbalance in the bodily doshas. The primary doshas involved are Pitta and Vata, both producing impurities which are dry, rough and hot in nature that accumulate in the deep tissues of the scalp and contaminate them. You Ayurveda physician will guide you through a personalised herbal remedy and treatments that can be undertaken to get effective results and get rid of the problem.